Noun introduction 

We often hear or see special terms when choosing coffee beans. These words are used to help understand the taste or flavor characteristics of coffee beans in the area.

"Coffee language"


It is the thick and thick taste of the coffee after the entrance. The weight and quality of the entrance are the impression of the tongue. The feeling of consistency can be light and watery, moderate and thick like syrup. Ultra-high-lipid.


Acidity refers to a taste that is distributed on the back side of the tongue. It is fresher, brighter and more refreshing than the acidity of lemon. It is usually produced from high-altitude and high-density Arabica coffee beans, and low-altitude Robusta coffee beans. There is no such feature.


One of the four tastes of bitterness is one of the four main tastes of coffee.

Variety: Usually Robusta is more bitter than Arabica

Producing area: generally produced in Indonesia, Sumatra, Java coffee bitter taste, other producing areas are stronger Baking degree: Because of the heavier caramelization and carbonization, deep baking is more painful than light baking coffee.

Caffeine: Robusta is more bitter than Arabica, because Robusta has twice as much caffeine as Arabica Extraction

time: the longer the time, the more obvious the bitterness


Describe the flavor of high-quality coffee: the taste is even, sweet, flawless, and perfectly coordinated.


Refers to the taste of the finished coffee, used to describe the smell including caramel, fruit, floral, rich, spicy and so on.


It is the overall impression of aroma, acidity and alcohol.


Usually it refers to the strong flavor of coffee beans under the dark baking method and cannot be associated with a large amount of caffeine. In fact, the highest level of caffeine is light canned coffee, because most of them contain a lot of high caffeine Robusta.


It is a kind of description of coffee with a strong acidity, between the fruit acid and the fermentation into fruit wine. Costa Rican premium coffee grown in the highlands usually has a strong flavor.


Usually heated too much or because the mineral content of the beans itself is too rich, it will produce a salty taste.


It is similar to a scent with a slight scent of wine, a fruity sour taste and a well-balanced alcoholicity.

"General cup test common language"

black beans黑豆

In general, it is because of overheating, and the harvest is too slow or too early to fall off the ground, and it is mixed in during harvesting.

black jack黴豆

Improper delivery and preservation methods make green beans turn black from green, even moldy or mixed with other items to get their smell.


Improper handling during peeling and screening causes the coffee beans to rupture.


Impeccable high-grade beans.


From dark green, yellowish green to brown, depending on the coffee origin, variety, processing, maturity, storage, and shipping conditions.


Including shells, deformed beans.


Suitable for making high quality coffee beans.


Lack of sour, lifeless beans.


This title belongs only to beans with good sourness and richness, and has obvious and strong characteristics.


Beans with unique and strong grass-like flavors are generally the flavor of the precocious Arabica.

hard beans堅硬豆

Planted in the highlands, mild texture, slow growth period, unique characteristics, suitable for baking into fine coffee beans.


The texture is monotonous and fuzzy.


Described as a sharp, sour taste.


Animated, full-bodied beans.


A mesh tool used to classify the size of raw bean particles.


A good quality but lacking in acid coffee.


Monotonous, inactive, weak in texture and lacking in acid coffee, sometimes due to insufficient extraction.


After the fruit is harvested, the outer skin is removed, and the flesh and silver skin can be shipped to the market. The methods are "washed" and "dry". The coffee beans treated by the dry natural drying method are dried beans.

"Evaluating the quality of coffee by cup measurement"

In the coffee greens market, the evaluation and selection of raw beans suitable for making high-grade coffee requires years of accumulation and training. The process of assessing quality by experts is called cupping. The traditional cup measurement method is suitable for coffee merchants to continuously sample a large number of coffee samples in a short period of time, and it is necessary to practice, otherwise it is easy to drink coffee powder residue during the cup measurement process. The three most important criteria for the quality of the cup test are:

1. Aroma

2. Texture (Body)

3. Flavor (Flavor)

10 steps of the cup test

1. Prepare a little freshly baked and immediately ground coffee in a small cup 

2. Smell it to taste its taste and dryness 

3. Pour hot water of about 95 ° C, do not enter immediately after boiling, cut and leave for about half a minute until the temperature drops slightly before entering the coffee powder 

4. Smell the smell before the evaporation of the vapor 

5. Place the sample for 3-5 minutes and then stir it with a long spoon. 

6. Smell and evaluate the aroma and concentration of the vapor while stirring 

7. Remove the coffee ground floating on the surface and throw it away. 

8. 1 tablespoon of coffee without residue, sip into the mouth of the tongue and feel the smell. Don't rush to swallow, let the coffee flow in the mouth and the tongue feels its consistency. 

9. Slide the tongue over the upper edge of the mouth to feel its texture and taste. 

10. Spitting in the mouth for 3-5 seconds, and spit out the aftertaste, even returning sweet and sweet


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